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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Reusable solder?

Question: Reusable solder!?
is it posible to reuse the solder that is sucked up by a solder pump!?!? if so howWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is possible!. Just like reclaiming bronze, aluminium, iron or any other metal!. Solder has a low melting point!. If you have or can make an ingot to pour the melted material in and make it thin enough to reuse!. You just need the proper tools and space to do it!. DO NOT POUR HOT METAL INTO A COLD VESSEL!.!.!. You will be wearing it instead of reusing it!.You should be able to use a skillet with an exhaust fan over it, just make sure not to reuse the skillet for cooking purposes!. :D
Most foundry websites offer equipment you can buy, just google foundry materials and you should be able to find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com