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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I take pictures with an sd card edit them then save it back to my sd card

Question: How do I take pictures with an sd card edit them then save it back to my sd card!?
we are taking pictures for my grandma and putting them on a digital picture viewer and giving it to her for her birthday!. How do i edit these on my computer and then save it back to my sd card!? Please answer soon! i need this ASAP!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way to do this is by using a card reader, which you can get for $10-20 anywhere - even WalMart!.

Just plug the card reader into your USB port and it will appear as if it was a new drive in your file manager program!. (Windows Explorer, etc!.) You can then save your images on the card the same way you would save them on any other drive on your computer!.

If this isn't working for you, most digital picture frames have directions for using their own software (included) to transfer images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com