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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is freelance photograpy, photojournalism, and commercial photograpy?

Question: What is freelance photograpy, photojournalism, and commercial photograpy!?
I want a career in photography i just cant decide, but im looking into journalism too, so i guess photojournalism would be good!. I just need more information on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Freelance - like wedding photographers!. People hire you for specific one time events!.

Journalism - newspapers or television!. News oriented!. You can either run a camera at a TV station or take pix for the paper!.

Commercial - magazines, ads, etc!.!.!. Ad agencies and magazines hire you to take pictures!. Usually you start as a freelancer!. Then you can create your own "business!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photojournalism is self-explanatory I believe!.!.!. Commercial photography is about snapping mugs for magazines, advertisements of products and whatnot!.!.!.

Freelance is a mix!.!.!. you can do any of them and it won't matter!. Being unstable makes you go everywhere, but you won't be too adept on any and may not get many jobs related to this career!.

So, I offer you to try photojournalism if you're going after news stories and such!. And Commercial if you wish to go for publishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

google it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com