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Question: How Can I learn how to draw REALLY good!?
Like, what are some hints!? For drawing faces!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
tips for drawing faces:

-eyes too high up/ head too small!. The eyes really are located halfway down the head, viewed from the front!.

ears too far forward!. The ears are located above the hinge of the jaw and slightly behind it!. They appear low on the head if the face is tilted up, higher if the face is tilted down!.

eyes, seen from the side, are rounded in front!.

The upper lip will generally appear to be shadowed, the lower lip catches the light and has a shadow underneath it!. Most people start off drawing lips by outlining them; this makes an unrealistic effect!.

Get the basic shapes right before you add details!. The most carefully rendered individual eyelashes will not compensate for ears that appear to be growing out of someone's cheek!.

Maybe this is all too basic for you, but these are some very common mistakes and knowing to watch out for them and correct them if they occur will give you a big jump forward if you need it!.

If you can get your hands on a model of a skull and draw it from various angles several times a day, with varying lighting, until you know what a skull looks like and can draw it automatically, your face drawing will improve dramatically!. The face is just the upholstery on the skull!. You need a 3D skull to work from, though photos are better than nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you want to learn how to draw more realistically, my suggestion would be to start observing everyday things and practice drawing them!. Things like people, their poses, expressions, faces, everything!. Start observing it and drawing it down on paper!. I would suggest keeping a sketch book or something organized, like a binder - so you don't have pages of drawings flying everywhere!. Some books might help, too!. Check out Amazon!.com or any bookstore to try and find a drawing book suitable for you!. After all, professionals do know what they're talking about!. The key is practice though!. Observe, draw and practice!. Practice practice practice!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice!. Try to get a friend to pose for you!. Be really sketchy but aware of the face's geometric forms and proportions!. You could also get some books at the library about portraits, and practice the drawings in there!. Be careful, though, because not every eye, ear, mouth or jaw looks the same! Humans are extremely varied in their facial differences and the biggest mistake artists make is assuming that certain body parts look the same, and hence using the same formula to draw it!. Try reading "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" for more of this concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try some of these:

There are more to be found but to me these (especially the 1st one) have been most helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk i want 2 learn to draw good 2 so when u get some answers tell me!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com