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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Camera got wet?!?!?

Question: Camera got wet!?!!?!!?
i had left it out on the horse trailer because i was taking pics of cats when our horses got out and i forgot about it!.
today it rained!. i was not home but my dad sadi it rained hard!. he said it rained quite awhile!? as soon as i got home (it wasnt raining anymore) about 15 minutes later i went and got it!. i dried it out!. i tried to turn it on 2-3 time (i didnt know you weren't supposed to) then i took the batteries and memory card out and stuck them and the camera in a bag of rice!. Is it ok if i blowdry it on the cool setting on low!? what should i do!? do you think it will work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, you could make some pretty interesting photos if it's not quite right!.!.!.

hope it's ok!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you tried to tun it on while it was still wet you probably shorted out the electronics in the camera!. There is a good chance you'll be buying a new camera!. IMO you should consider the Olympus Stylus SW series because they are waterproof to 10 feet and shockproof to a 5 foot drop!.

NEVER NEVER NEVER use compressed air anywhere close to your camera!. NEVER! Its a great way to drive dust and grit into your lens and other parts of your camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A drink spilled in my bag with my camera!. It turned on, but I toweled off the outside!. If it was a heavy downpour you might be out of luck, but since it isn't working right now you might as well try to low setting hair drier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Compressed air or a cool setting on the hair dryer is ideal!. Then leave in your hot water cupboard for a few days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

did u take out the memoery card and make sure that was dry!. u have to do thatWww@QuestionHome@Com