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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Wht do u think about my drawing/photography?

Question: Wht do u think about my drawing/photography!?
im 15 & a bit of an ameteur !.
i take pictures for fun & randomly!.

these are my pics:

i love love love b&w photography over color because it adds architectural interest & shading differences!.

this is just one pic that i can find currently, all my others are stored on a different comp :/

i enjoy scenery & nature; people im still working on!?

what do u think of this angle!?
future ideas are:
rusted, peeling b&w gutter tubing from above angle
& pictures from the playground, where there are many different colors & textures!.

also, what do u think of my drawing!?
it's a 30minute sketch of personification of death-
death embodied in a woman with scars, burns, & body etchings!.
kinda interesting !?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
C'mon skratch you can do better,the angle's okay but the subject is WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL a bit boring!.Why don't you try a necklace made fom seashells or some other uncommon bead!?I've already commented on your drawing so I won't be redundant!.Keep at it you'll get there!Peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting!.!.!. I am a fellow photographer/artist whatever you want to call me!.!.!.
all I can say is keep trucking you are doing a wonderful job!.
because you are so young I might suggest taking a photography/design class!?

!.!.!.here are a couple of pointers for photography

* Fill the frame
* Variety is good if a bunch of things in the photo are too simular it can get boring and people won't want to look at it!.
*Try using Macro for details on something close up!. The Macro button/setting usually has a little image of a tulip!.
*Leading Line is a good thing to have anything where a line of some sort leads into the picture is great!.
*Try using the rule of thirds (see first source for rule of thirds)
*Contrast makes a photo interesting

Um!.!.!. I would also suggest getting a DeviantArt!.com or Flickr!.com acount this way you can post your photo's for other people to see and you can get some idea's of good pictures!.

Hoped this helped you!. you can see some of my pictures here:http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/23481653@N0!.!.!.

ps: it also makes pictures cool sometimes if you edit them you might want to try picnik!.com for cool editing options!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com