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Question: 3D MAX vs Blender!?
Which is "best"!? I want to learn 3d modeling and animation but I'm not sure which one I should become proficent at!?

I can't believe one is completely free (blender) and the other costs around 2000 dollars (3d max)!. Whats the catch!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The catch is that Blender is (supposedly) a lot harder to learn and use!. also, Blender is not widely used by professionals in the industry, so why bother selling it!? It still works though, and there's even a movie company using it to make a real theatrical animated movie!. It can do all the stuff other 3D programs can as far as I know but I'm not 100% sure!.

Aside from that, people make tons of free stuff available on the internet that do the same things as stuff you pay lots of money for, and they still work fine!. It's not a huge surprise!. Remember, directly selling a product to consumers is not the only way to make money!.

also consider Cinema 4D, which (again, supposedly) is one of the easiest to learn!. It's also widely used in the industry like Max is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com