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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I found this website any one wanna have a look at these painting?

Question: I found this website any one wanna have a look at these painting!?
this website is really good
what do you think!?
i think it looks personal website and preety good tho!.
very nice art works!
what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Learn to post the link directly and more people will take the time to view the link!. Many here won't bother to leave YA long enough to do a search to find a mentioned web site!.

Here is the direct link:


As to the portraits, I shouldn't really give my opinion because if you are the actual artist (and promoting yourself) then my opinion will probably hurt your feelings!. Let's just say his heart is in the right place, but he really needs to improve his skill level to be taken seriously as a portrait artist!. He certainly has the natural talents to be as good as he will let himself be but he needs to improve in the shadowing and shadow blending on their faces!.

EDIT: Hushcolors is right, the beach painting is pretty good!. If he applied the same artistic insight and skill towards the portraits I can imagine them being top rate, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I like the work " on the beach"!.
The perspective is quite well achieved (and it's not a easy one)!.
The values and other colour caracteristics contribute to a realistic work!.

Kind regards,
