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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What technique did Vincent Van gogh create?

Question: What technique did Vincent Van gogh create!?
is it post impressionism or fauvism or expressionism!?
please explain how he contribute by creating it!.
and what and the disadvantages and advantages!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Van Gogh is considered to be a Post-Impressionist, but the technique he really created was this style called Impasto, which is the use of heavy amounts of paint to create texture!. It had never been done nearly to the extent he did it!. If you look at his sun flowers or his starry night paintings, he uses tons and tons of paint!. The advantage of this is that does create a unique texture which can add new elements to a painting, but the disadvantage is that, especially with oil paints, it will take forever to dry, and that it is very difficult to blend with impasto!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vincent Van Gogh se destaca en el expresionismo!. Técnica en la cual se destaca más la forma de ver las cosas(modo de expresión), que la misma realidad!.Se diferencia del impresionismo porque el impresionismo, más que querer expresar por medio del trazo y el color, se va a dedicar a
captar la luz y usualmente pinta "momentos"!. Es decir, como una foto!. Retrata un momento determinado!. Siempre resaltando la luz!. El impresionismo es la base de la pintura moderna!. El fauvismo viene después y significa "salvaje"!. La gente se cansa de seguir unas normas de pintura y se liberan demostrándolo en los lienzos!. Las ventajas de expresionismo fue la libertad permitida por los artistas para reencontrarse como artistas, investigar y crear!. La desventaja fue todo el proceso de aceptacion por el que tuvieron que pasar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Van Gogh is a pioneer of what came to be known as Expressionism!.

He encountered impressionism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Impressionism- when you use the brush to make dabs, so that you can only see the entire picture from a distance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com