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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Visual Artists only... I need your advice?

Question: Visual Artists only!.!.!. I need your advice!?
I'm going to be leaving high school soon and i'm heading off to college i applied for art school and i'm working really hard to get in!. I think i need to become alot more serious about becoming an artist and a damn good one!.i want to major in digital art and graphics!. What can i do to become a really good artist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Develop the conceptual side of yourself!. Your images can be very rough and still be great art work because of the concepts behind the work!. For a great example of this, go to the local library and take out, "Healing Landscapes, a journey from the Big Thicket to the Big Bend," by Jeanne Norsworthy!. Read it from cover to cover, not just by looking at the paintings!.

Another thing to do before you actually start is to read about the lives of artists!. There are several series' of books about artists!. I apologize for not having the name of the series, but I returned it to the library!. So the series I find good is a set of small books, but it's very concentrated!. It explains the art of one artist at a time -Rothko, Pollack, Grandma Moses, and many more!.
Understanding the artist, and their art, helps you to reach into yourself for your own inspiration and images!. You will do this in college, but the more you read, the more sense your education will make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to become average, study the technical part really hard so you can do anything asked- for help in becoming a good one, study graphic design illustrators and the Masters for composition, and to be a damn good one- that will be talent, which you either have or you don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

let go of your fear!. 99% of all people know nothing about art!. Set unrealistic goals!. PAint 3 painting in an hour!. Work faster with no fear!. Attack the painting!. Use masonite wood and scratch it up with a screwdriver!. Then coat it in varnish!. The bigger you work the more important it will seem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't be asking anybody how to be a good artist!. You are the only one who will ever know the answer to that question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com