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Question: Taking photos at night!?
I have an Olympus FE-100 camera!.
Recently, I took a few pictures at night (mostly of light) and they turned out okay, even thought it took me about 10 tries each!. Does anybody know how to make them better!? do you have some example of your night photos!?

Here are some of mine :

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The color balance is off (and it's expected really)!. It can be corrected with software!.

You need to use a tripod!. No need for an expensive one!. Does your camera have a tripod socket!?


This was 3 seconds, I think!.

This one below I just held my breath: it was 1/15 of a second!.


This one was on a tripod, 1 second exposure


I think the problem may be that you do not have much control over your camera (which I just looked up)!. A DSLR works better when it comes to something like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
