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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How would I go about fixing this photo up?

Question: How would I go about fixing this photo up!?
My dad's funeral is supposed to be in a few days and I need to fix up this photo of him so we can have it there!. I use Photoshop Elements 5!.0 if that helps any!.

Here's a link to the picture:

Is there any way I can get rid of the ugly, weird-colored pixels and junk like that!? Should I just make it greyscale!?

Gimme some hints and tips, please :)

Thanks so much!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everyone's telling you that you can't fix it, but that's not your question, is it!? You wanted to know how to make it better:)

I don't think anyone here would be able to help you!. Go on photography forums, and post your dilemma!. Explain why you need it and why it's so important to you!. Ask if someone would be able to fix it up for you!. The people out there use crazy photo editing programs that can do some amazing things, and I don't think it would make someone go out of their way to tweak it!.

I'm positive there are some kind souls out there would would spruce it up for you in a jiffy!. It'll come out better than it is right now, that's for sure:)

Hope I helped a bitWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry about your Dad!. Always hard to lose a parent!. Both of mine have been gone for years!. You never really stop missing them, but life goes on and you will be ok!.

As for your photo, I have to agree with the others!. It is just far to poor quality to try to make into a decent photo!. Was it taken with a cell phone!.!.!. it has that look to it!.

At any rate, I suggest you find a good print of him and have that scanned!. You can then make an enlarged print that will look far better than your current poor digital photo!.

Take care,

That's very pixelated because the resolution was very low when it was taken!.

You could use some techniques in Photoshop to smooth out the edges and sharpen some parts, but it will take some work!.

Basically you're dealing with an inferior original and it's hard to improve on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First let me say that I am so sorry for your loss!.

Secondly, I'm afraid that I have to agree with everyone who answered this before me!. This picture is just impossible to salvage!. I'm sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm very sorry for your loss, been there myself and would love to help, but there is no way to repair such a low resolution image that I am aware of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off!.!. im sorry for your loss

i donthink this photo can be savedWww@QuestionHome@Com