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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How does this sound for my art exam?

Question: How does this sound for my art exam!?
I have the first part of my art exam tomorrow and the theme is barriers!. I have chosen a cross between city and emotional barriers!.
I have decided to draw a dull, grey misrable looking city with skyscrappers and all the usual city things!. Then right in the middle I'm going to put two red hand prints in the middle of the city scene!. This represents the inability to escape this hell and hum-drum lifestyle!.
So, how does it sound!? Anything else you think I could do!?
I only have 10 hours do complete this, and I have limited materials!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a good start!. In Los Angeles where I live, there is what seems a cultural (and possibly a class and intellectual) divide between the East side and the West side!. We call this the La Cienega divide!. It's almost as though the street of La Cienega is where the divide begins!. Maybe you want to use a map and then divide the city you live in up into areas of emotions or barriers (or barrios) represented by colors (emotions) or class (perhaps an iconic image in the colored area to further represent the emotional impact of the barrier/barrios)!.

You also need to show more of hum-drum lifestyle!. Define this visually!. Grey miserable city could be misinterpreted as something else by your viewers!. Be clear about how you represent this iconically!. What is hum-drum!? How would you really say this!? Is this mundane!? What does that mean!? Show it!.

Communicate clearly those barriers!. Are there walls in the gated communities!? Guard shacks!? What about in the poor communities!? What barriers do we see there!? Tagging!? Trash in the streets!? Language!? Money!?

Can you see how you can elaborate or explain your position more clearly!?

Now get to work! You have a great project and idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make the skyline a bit distorted as if the buildings are leaning in different directions!. That can represent the things people disagree on in this hell and hum drum lifestyleWww@QuestionHome@Com