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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Creative sculpture ideas with things around the house?????

Question: Creative sculpture ideas with things around the house!?!?!?!?!?
hi!. do you have any good ideas of how i could make a sculpture of things normally found around the house!? thanks!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A collander is always good for a beetle shell!. Upright vacuums can look like many animals!. Pasta can be pasted into many different things!. Flip over a bowl for a turtle shell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know the cheap plastic hangers, that have no metal anywhere!?

a friend accidentally put one in the dryer with a load of clothes and after about 10 minutes it was malleable!. she made many neat things!.

unfortunately, it might be a fire hazard!. so if you try this, stay right there and check every minute to see if it is soft enough to bend!. you REALLY don't want it to melt all over the clothes!.
I WOULD NEVER TRY THIS IN A DRYER THAT USED FAS!. ONLY ELECTRIC DRYERS - and watch it like a hawk!. If you have to walk away - even for a second - turn the dryer off!.

I just found out that even the thrift stores around here won't accept donations of metal curtain rods - even though they are still for sale!. It seems like many sculptures are possible with those long tubes!.

you can make clay like stuff using flour, salt, and a bit of water!. i think you can find the recipe in you look for "homemade play-doh" on the web!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about making a sculpture of your typical housewife out of things that are considered "housewife-y"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com