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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Im an entry level graphic designer and i want to know how i can promote myself??

Question: Im an entry level graphic designer and i want to know how i can promote myself!?!?!?
I am a graphic designer but i dont know what to do to promote myself!.!.!.!.anybody have any ideas where i can get my name out there!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sure many people lie in here, but if you want to believe me, I'm a publicist for one of the most successful fine artist/designers in the world!. So essentially, I do this for a living!.

That said, many young designers seem to feel that the best way to promote themselves is through sites like myspace and deviantart while finding work through their circle friends!. These are useful tools, but only in a very localized, specific sense!.

The most important thing to bear in mind is that as a designer, every single thing you use to promote yourself DIRECTLY reflects on your ability, and most importantly, taste!. Make sure that anything you use to promote yourself reflects professionalism (not eye candy or flash)!. Look at how different clients (companies, objects, merchandise, packaging) present themselves to reflect their market!. The closer your own materials mirror these different styles, the more likely they are to take you on as a client!.

You can present different portfolios, but the materials that promote you individually should be refined, understated, and reflect the core of your ability!. Graffiti font will possibly get you work designing a skateboard, but these jobs are few and far between, and in any genre of design only the VERY best, and HARDEST WORKING get these jobs!.

This is getting long for yahoo answers, but here are the bare basics:

1!. Get a personal website!. This should be entirely professional at every corner, and should clearly feature your contact, resume/c!.v!., portfolio(s), and mission statement!. The mission statement should be reviewed by someone with experience writing professionally and should be lucid enough to be understood by someone without an arts background!. Avoid animated intros and complex navigation!.

2!. Print physical portfolios!. This should contain your resume/c!.v!., a business card, and some printed samples in a folder that you designed!. Pay attention to things like font, paper stock, and finish!. Have enough made that they are both affordable for you produce, but not so much that you can't make them freely available to anyone!.

3!. Work for as many non-paying jobs as you can get!. You're not going to get a massive job right out of the gates, and there are plenty of respectable businesses and individuals that will credit you and provide visibility!. A good technique is to provide the first job/campaign for free on the understanding that future work will require compensation!.

4!. Most importantly: Work an internship!. Work several internships!. They do not pay well and many times will require a second job!. If you want to be a successful designer, it should be worth it to you!. The education and contacts provided by interning are vastly superior to those achieved on your own or even through formal education!. I recommend spending a solid year at the same internship!. This will greatly aid your prospects of being hired into a firm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, make a portfolio!. Include at lease 15 or 20 pieces or more of you can!. Don't use anything bad!. Use only your best stuff!. Then go to any design companies in your area and ask if they are hiring or ask if they know where you could find work!. also, show them your portfolio, they'll hopefully give you tips and suggestions, and may even tell you what companies look for!. Take their advice, they wont stir you wrong unless they're total ******* but thats rare!. You can also go onto art sites like deviantart!.com or conceptart!.org to post your work!. if you do this, i'd advise designing a personal logo and watermarking your work to prevent plagarism!. Many of these sites also hold contests sponsored by big design companies as well!. Hope this helps, good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

youtube, http://www!.xiredesigns!.net/main!.php!?id=n!.!.!.

xire designs has a is a designer place, they have good stuff, or make you own form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com