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Question: Crazy Question for Random People :D!?
Where does the rainbow start!?
I mean most people think that it's just "red orange yellow green blue indigo violet" right!? But how do we know that it starts at red!.!.!.I mean couldn't it go from cold to warm and like start at violet!? Or yellow!?!?!? Where does the rainbow begin!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, arguably, it goes the other way!. But, certainly it doesn't start at yellow!.!.!.
The visible spectrum of light is as follows:
violet 380–450 nm
blue 450–495 nm
green 495–570 nm
yellow 570–590 nm
orange 590–620 nm
red 620–750 nm

Where the numbers on the right are the wave length of the light!. As light is refracted, that is to say that a light wave changes mediums thus causing it to "bend" (change velocity), a whole range of wavelengths are created!. However, the human eye can only detect the ranges shown above!. Greater than 750 = infrared where as less than 380 is ultraviolet!.!.!. which you've probably noticed we can't see!. So!.!.!.!.yeah!.!.!. the order is determined by the wavelength in the visible spectrum!. The direction we think of it in seems to me to be arbitrary!.
Probably too serious an answer for a random question - but, that's my take!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One only needs to look at a real rainbow and see that, depending on whether you start at the inside or the outside of the arc, it MUST start at, either, red or violet!. A rainbow can not start at yellow!.

As far as "starting" at the warm end, it doesn't!. But, somone invented a Mnemonic about "Roy G!. Biv," so it has become tradition to start with Red!. Besides, if one goes by the frequency (or, more properly, the wavelength" of the colors, red is a lower wavelength (the first visible color after infrared) and violet is a higher wavelength!. (just before ultraviolet)

So, lower to higher, just like the way we learned to count!. Get it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Color can be defined as the small spectrum of light energy that we can actually take in with our eyes!. Human beings are only capable of seeing limited number of colors!. The rain drops act as prisms, breaking up the light into what we perceive as the rainbow segments!. The arrangements of colors never change because the light energy is always constant!. There are other colors that we humans can not take in without mechanical assistance; ultra violet and infra red!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's a key to that!. here's the sequence of colors!.



they started as a ray --all of them together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Couldn't answer your question, so I gave you a star instead!. I think answer number one pretty much explains it for me!. Good Question!Www@QuestionHome@Com