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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know how to makes these?!?!?

Question: Does anyone know how to makes these!?!!?!!?
click the links and see for yourself!. if you do please exlpain to me how so i can too!. help is appreciated!
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All they did was use an image editor of some sort (could be Photoshop), set a white background, then found an interesting font, some fun quotes (you can look up quotes on the Internet, you can do it by subject, or by the author, say you wanted to find some more quotes from Johny Depp, you could Google, "Johny Depp Quotes" and you will probably find some sites with quotes from him), and then using the font they liked, they just typed the quotes in the image, and saved it as a !.jpg so they could upload it to Photobucket!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you dont have photoshop, you can type them on paint!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just type whatever you want and make the font different!
then layout out weird!

don't over complicate things!Www@QuestionHome@Com