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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Picture Editing.?

Question: Picture Editing!.!?
How do I make parts of the picture colored, but the rest black and white!? Like this:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
go to picnik!.com
you dont need to register or anything!. just go to the side where its says try it out!. you can do it as many times as you want so dont worry its not like 1 free try or anything!.

you can edit pics like that!. first upload the pic!. then when your finished uploading the picture, go to the tab that says "Create" and click it!. then on the side click on the thing that says "black and white" dont press apply yet!. when you click the black and white thing it should automatically make it that way!. then when your pic is black and white then to make parts of it colored, just adjust the brish size and click on the parts of the pic you want to go balc to the normal color!. just fool around a bit youll get the hang of it!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com