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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Feedback on a symbol I would like to use on Yahoo Answers?

Question: Feedback on a symbol I would like to use on Yahoo Answers!?
This is my first ever question in what I hope is a right category!.

I am a contributor to the dream interpretation section!. My symbol is a sapphire or blue rose which is a distinctive way to identify me on Yahoo Answers!. I would like to use the following symbol in the text as well
' \'

This looks like a text form of rose and would be used at the end of each of my answers!.

Firstly does this seem to you as something that represents a rose and what would you think to seeing this at the end of all my answers on Yahoo Answers!?
' \'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly, when I initially saw it, I didn't pick it as a rose until I read your question!. I think it's because they're two seperate figures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The trouble with having a symbol in your text, or a signature, on YA is that if your answer goes into voting it will be identifiable, this can work of course in your favour or not, but I think it defeats the object a bit of taking out the user names for questions in voting!.
I like the blue rose though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could do a sidways one too


i wouldn't think much of anything seeing it at the end of someone's answer!. i don't chat that much, but i used emoticons a lot like!.!.!.ten years ago!. so they seem outdated to me!. *shrug*Www@QuestionHome@Com