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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you draw on the canves with pencil and then paint over it with oil pastels?

Question: Can you draw on the canves with pencil and then paint over it with oil pastels!?
and if you can will the pencil marks show through the oil pastel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sometimes!. If you're using a dark pencil or heavy lines, they will most likely show through the oil pastels, or smudge when you use the pastels, but if you use a light pencil, lightly, you shouldn't have a problem!.
What I sometimes do is use a dark pencil, and then rub it out so the lines are still there even though the pencil isn't!.

You can do this successfully as long as you don't draw to heavy with the pencil and don't go to thin with the oils!. And were you intending to paint with oil paints, or pastels!? It's hard to paint with oil pastels, though there's a product called an oil stick which is an in between--it's a stick of oil paint that can be handled more easily than a paint brush!.

In the past when I've painted, I've very often started with a light pencil sketch, and though the lines do show through in my first initial stages of painting, after a few coats they can't be seen anymore!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I guess there's not problem, but you can post your question here :
Now, what is often mentioned is that one should not use graphite pencils when painting with oils!.
This is because graphite is a lubricant and my bleed through, so it's said!.

Kind regards,


Yes you can, my mom is an artist and that it was she does!. Make sure that you don't press to doark or hard because then you can see it throught the paint and if you erase it to hard it will look a little sloppy

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on how hard you mark with the pencil, the color your painting with, and how thickly you're putting the paint on!. But that's what I do and most the time you can't see the pencil marks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com