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Question: Senior pictures!?
dont you think its only fair/right that i would get to pick where i get my senior pictures done!?
i mean my parents are freaking out on me cause they think they should choose!.
and how much do they usually cost!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I live in a city of 100,000 people, and my granddaughter's pictures were very expensive!. $45 for a 5x7!. They took over 600 pictures, and I thought that was ridiculous!. Way too many to choose from!.

If you are paying for the pictures, you probably could go any place you want to!. But if your parents are paying for them, I guess you had better go where they say! LOL Talk to some places and tell them what poses you would like---both your choices and your parents' choices, and see if they will accommodate you!. And ask for a list of their prices!. It all depends on where you live as to how much they charge!.

I think you should be able to choose some poses, but your parents should, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Around here, they range from $300 and up!. I do portraits on location and my average package is about $350!.

Sometimes a good compromise is in order, especially if your parents are paying the bill!. Compromise on where to get the work done, then look at getting some poses/outfits that fit your desires and style and some that fit your parents desires!. That way, each gets what they want!.

Look for a photographer that is willing to listen to you and your parents because these memories will last a lifetime!. You don't want some assembly line, look like everyone else, photos from a photographer that really doesn't care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my sister is graduating this year and her pictures were between $300 and $400 pretty expensiveWww@QuestionHome@Com