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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know how to make beams like this??

Question: Does anyone know how to make beams like this!?!?
the wrap around beam!.
example(made by jamba joe):
do you know how to do it not on photoshop!?
like on paint, photofiltre, or some other free program!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
originally that type of line was do with lights and camera ,

in photofiltre type program , you would draw line, select with wand, apply filter/ stylize/ progressive contour inside and other color outside, may vary in amount of pixels,

in paint is a little tricky and may require few trials, also does not turn out a smooth!. use line tool draw from point to point, drag left, then drag right, or make new line, then use spray can with other color

in gimp you could draw the line with pen tool convert to path on new layer with line thickness options, blur edges, and apply layer to background image,
Gimp ~image editor,
