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Question: Making poster!?
I am making a poster for my helath class
I have 7 pictures and my poster still seams to be empty
It is on Down Syndrome
Any ideas to add some designing stuff

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since it is a genetic disease, you could use the graphic of the DNA double helix!. I see it being brightly colored and winding around your other 7 images on the poster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to a center that deals with people with Down Syndrome!. Take paper and crayons and markers and ask THEM to draw what it is like to have Down Syndrome, or what they think the world thinks of them, or what they think of themselves in comparison to the rest of the world!. Place a picture done BY a person with down Syndrome between each of your pictures (presumably photos or your own drawings) and make 'bubbles' for the pictures to talk to say what you want the poster to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe you should explain down syndrome like some main facts from wikipedia make it big print like half ur index finger so its not too empty!. not too small so that u need to be up close to see the font but that u explained the main facts!. did u color the background!? mayb cut outs will work on the background too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

random facts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com