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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know a site where you can make pics flash????

Question: Does anyone know a site where you can make pics flash!?!?!?!?
Please right a url for a good site that can make pics flash when you upload them;Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
take a hit of LSDWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, what do you mean by "Flash"!? Do you mean a blinkie or do you mean to turn the photo into an animation!?

If you are talking about a blinkie!.!. there are sites that are designed for that!.

http://www!.free-blinkies!.com/blinkie-mak!.!.!. has a blinkie maker!.

Converting Jpeg to !.gif for animation to add things like flashing lights in the pic, the pic to go on and off, or change many colors, can be done with adobe photoshop!. http://www!.adobe!.com has a free trial of their product to try!.

And the correct spelling would be "WRITE"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com