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Question: Family picture help!?
I am going to take my family to the park today to take fun and casual family pictures using a tripod and self timer!.!.!. What are some tips so that my pictures turn out great and do you have any ideas to make them interesting!.!.!.!. Usually I just take tons of pictures and I am always bound to get good ones!.!.!. but with two small children involved, I need to move things along much faster then usual!. Any ideas on clothing or posing!?!? We will be in a green park with desertscape in the background!.!.!. HOT and SUNNY!! Thanks!

Camera- 7!.2 mgp Sony CybershotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Posing for children, forget it! For photographing children first thing is get down to their level!. Try to 'detach' yourself (difficult if you're the parent) become an observer and give the children something to interest them (could be as simple as a ball) then it's all about anticipation and getting the moment!. You have to anticipate, children rarely do the same cute thing twice!.

Watch the direction of the light and try to get yourself positioned so the light is at an angle to them!. This helps to give definition, avoid harsh strong light particularly from directly overhead (you get shadows on their faces from baseball caps and under their noses), overcast days actually work better here, definitely not hot and sunny, though adding water to children gives a lot of scope!.

As for clothing use something that will separate them from the background, something bright and colourful, a really embarrassing one that you can threaten to show their friends/boyfriends/girlfriends when they become the teenager from - well you know where!. It always pays to plan ahead LOL!.


I would suggest wearing mostly white!. It will look sharp, plus it will be cool enough in the sun that the kids won't get fussy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com