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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do I need for an art market?

Question: What do I need for an art market!?
I was selected for an Art Market coming up in the first weekend of June!. I've never done one before and realize I have no idea what Im doing!. It's a cubicle style setup and wonder what I will need to hang my artwork, and will I need receipts!? I already have made prints of my work, so should I get bags as well!? Business cards maybe!? Maybe something I've missed completely!? Any help will be appreciated!. Oh!.!.!.also, its indoors!.!.!.so do you think lighting will be a problem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wish I could help you, but I haven't gotten into the market yet!.

However, I wanted to say:


Don't worry about the lighting if the facility is meant to house artwork; they probably have lighting that won't be damaging; like in galleries and such!. Bags and cards seem necessary!. Do you have artist statements/a mission that people could read so that you don't have to talk for the whole time!? Friends for moral support as well as a chair for back support!? ;)

And don't forget to wash behind your ears!Www@QuestionHome@Com