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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Strange orbs showing up in all digital pictures what do you think it is?

Question: Strange orbs showing up in all digital pictures what do you think it is!?
Ok, what do you think caused the orbs in the pictures of this house (link below)!? I am a skeptic to this sort of thing and think it’s probably just dust in the air!. They took another picture with a different camera of two people standing in the kitchen and the one person showed up missing an arm and the other was moving a little so you saw the trails but you could see completely through the person and he never moved out of the picture!. It’s odd and I don’t know a lot about photography but I thought someone might have a logical explanation for us!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is actually one of my pet peeves!. You are are definitely right for being a skeptic!. All the pictures I have ever seen which people claim to show "orbs" were just dust or water stains on the lens!. also, you're right that this seems to be a problem distinctive to digital cameras, maybe because the sensor is more sensitive to dust, or static electricity draws more dust to the lens!. But I never notice this problem with my 35mm film cameras (even with film I develop myself)!. But I get it all the time with my digital camera!. In fact, it happens so often that I wipe off the lens right before I take any important pictures just to be sure I don't get spots!. I looked at the pictures in your link, and those are definitely just from dust!.

There is no such thing as "orbs," or at least I have never seen any convincing pictures!. I'm not saying ghosts don't exist, but I don't believe in orbs!. And all the pictures I have ever seen of orbs were obviously dust on the lens!.

EDIT: The pictures you mentioned, where you could see people that had blurry trails, or looked transparent could be because the shutter was on a slow speed because of low lighting!. If you used auto exposure, the camera will automatically change to a slower shutter setting if there is not enough light!. With a slow shutter speed, any movement can cause trails, blurriness, or even cause some subjects right in front of the camera to look slightly transparent!. The problem is that you probably didn't have enough light!. Whoever took the picture might have shook the camera a tiny bit when they pressed the shutter!. Normally, you wouldn't even notice it in the picture, but with a slow shutter speed, it can show up and cause some weird effects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this an ad for the house!?!?!? Well, the house is crap and I don't see any orbs on it!. As for see through people, it's caused by using a low shutter speed, and having people move!. I'm guessing this was with a point and shoot set on auto, so it means there was too little light and the camera automatically set a large aperture and low shutter speed to compensate for the low light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is what happens when the light source is in front of the camera, it's lens flare!. Or sometimes specs of dust!.
here is an article from wikipedia about lens flare

Either a dirty lens or the ghosts of eyeballs past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You were either in a very dusty house or need to clean your camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either you have a dirty lense, it's light reflection, or you have a ghost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not a ghost, its a dirty lensWww@QuestionHome@Com