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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you drill through glass or acrylic?

Question: Can you drill through glass or acrylic!?
I"m helping my mother design a mask with moving eyes, and i was wondering if acrylic and glass just shatter when drilled through, since all my eye mecahanisms end up with drill holes!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for glass you would need a diamond drill bit (at least available for dremel tools) and I think most of those drill bits are for wet use, which means you have to keep the drill hole wet!. It's also really slow!.
Acrylic should be fairly straightforward to drill through!. General purpose or mild steel drillbit should be fine!. Only possible problem is with thick pieces, the heat generated from drilling can melt the acrylic!. But if you need only to drill a short distance that's not a problem!. Make sure you let the drill bit cool off in between!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes but you have to have a type of drill that can go through glass and its still no guarantee that it will work!. So just have replacement glass on handWww@QuestionHome@Com

Acrylic would be easier to drill, treat it as brassWww@QuestionHome@Com