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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you focus on just one object in picture?

Question: How do you focus on just one object in picture!?
like leaving the object in color while the rest black and white!?

something like this!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can do this in photoshop or another good photo-editing software!.

Some options:
1) Learn how to use the pen tool!. Here's a good tutorial: http://www!.melissaclifton!.com/tutorial-p!.!.!.
Open your image in photoshop and make a path/selection around the area where you want to keep colored!. Then, do inverse-select (Ctr+Shift+I, I think) to select everything you want b+w!. Then desaturate the selection!. Voila!

2) You can also create two layers of the same picture!. Desaturate the one on top to make it b+w, and then zoom in reallly close and carefully erase the area you want colored!. The erased part should reveal the color version layer underneath!.

3) That example looks like someone took a b+w picture and then inserted a cut-out color image, so you can do that, too!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cant do this with a camera, you need a photo editor!.