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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I photograph the moon without it being a blurry light?

Question: How can I photograph the moon without it being a blurry light!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try using a sturdy tripod and remote!. Otherwise, you won't be able to handhold the camera and come out with crisp images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do not necessarily need a tripod or remote release!. What is giving you problems is exposure!. A bright, full moon is what!?!?!?!? It is a reflection of the Sun!. You expose for it the same as you would a bright, sunny day on Earth!. So a good starting place is the "sunny 16 rule"!. Set your f stop to f16 and your shutter speed to match your film ISO or digital ISO setting!. So that could be 100 at f16, or 400 at f16 if using 400 speed film or ISO setting!.

If you just let your camera try to automatically expose, it will see all the darkness of the sky and try to expose for that!. So it sets a slow shutter and wide aperture, and if you are handholding you will get blur!. Even if mounted on a tripod, you will have blown out moon because the camera set a totally incorrect exposure for the moon!.

You also really need a good telephoto lens to try to fill as much of the frame as possible with the moon!. But barring that, at least work the settings as I explained them and you should be able to dial in just the right exposure for the moon!.
