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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which famous artist uses dotting in his works?

Question: Which famous artist uses dotting in his works!?
Besides Georges Seurat, any other famous artists uses dotting technique!? I am looking for those art works that has animal themes too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are a couple of different techniques that could fit your "dotting" description!.

You mentioned Seurat!. The technique he used is most often described as "pointillism!." It is a method of creating an image by the application of daubs of pure, unmixed colors!. At a distance, the thousands of spots of colors are "mixed" by the eye, creating the illusion of blends and shading!. When done well, these painting can be very striking!.

Another artist who used dots to create image was Lichtenstein!. He simulated the technique used in comic books and comic strips to color in frames!. In comics, areas of color were printed by applying tiny dots of pure color in a geometric pattern!. From reading distance, the areas appeared to be solid colors!. Lichtenstein did the same thing, except his panels were huge, often wall sized canvases and the dots were often and inch or two in diameter!.

Of course, Jackson Pollack was know for spraying splatters of pure color paint onto his canvas!. While the individual spots of paint may have fallen randomly, his genius was in his composition, color selection and in the general pattern of how he directed the sprays and splatters!.

Another technique which does not get as much attention, but can be used to great effect is called stippling!. This method has the artrist use a multitude of dots to create images and depth!. No solid color or lines are used!. The close the dots, the more saturated the color!. I can't think of any famous artists, right now, that use the technique, but you can see some examples of this at this old website:


Click on the "Commercial Illustration" link and scroll down to the images of "Cat" and "Fish!." In the "Fantasy and Science Fiction link, scroll down to "B Troop!."

Keep in mind that pointillism is not exactly the same as stippling!. Pointillism may use a brush stroke of any shape and length, while stippling is pretty much applied with the tip of a pen, straight down, or with the tip of a brush, making a small, dot-like impression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the other major artist among the Impressionists was Paul Signac, so check him out!. Btw, it's usually called pointillism or optical mixture, which might give you a few more leads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

check out australian aboriginal paintings!. most use the dot technique and many have animal themes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com