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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I start a photography portofolio?

Question: How do I start a photography portofolio!?
where can i go to get the right materials and what other suggestions do you have to get started with putting together my portofolio!? thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You should go to an art supplies store and get a large folio!.

Then you should look at all the pictures you have taken and pick out a variety that you think show off your work the best!. You should try and include a lot of different types of shots (ie - landscape, people, studio, on location etc) and get them printed nice and big!.

Be careful not to print them bigger than the resolution will allow - the camera or print shop can help you with that!. It is best to print them at a shop rather than at home and matte paper looks best!.

Stick one to a page and bobs-your-uncle!

You should have a think about 'your brand' as a photographer!.!.!. if you want to be a fashion photographer, then obviously you wouldn't include photos of landscape or animals! Let your folio reflect the type of work you want to accrue!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're question has basically been answered, but I just wanted to add a little bit more!. If you're quite creative, which I presume you are judging by the fact you're making a folio! Gather together some art supplies and decorate each of your pages!. Nothing too over the top or tacky like glitter, just some simple understated little pieces!. I'm starting to put together a port folio myself and on one of my pages I've stuck buttons around the page - it may seem weird but it actually looks really cute!. Another idea is to write captions for each of your pieces, decorate and stick them underneath!. This is just a suggestion, hope it helped a little! Good luck with your portfolio!. xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

get a medium folio to hold 8x10 prints!.!.!.
one that has the clear sleevs permenantly installed (the ring binders come apart too easily)!.
choos a theme (macro, portrait, landscape, citiscape, night time, etc!.) and put your best shots of that in, one theme per book!.!.!.
have a book for showing and introducing yourself, include your resume and artist statement and a few images, don't overload the client at first meeting, keep the big folio for later meetings!. have one foloi for each theme or have just 2 or 3 images of each theme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just get ur first photo in!. and then the second!. and the third!. and so on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com