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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What macro tripod would you recommend ?

Question: What macro tripod would you recommend !?
Im looking for macro tripod thats light and portable to carry , are there any particulair models or brands any one could recommend that are under £70!.00 , or thereabouts !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You need to find one that has a horizontal mounting arm!. Many tripods have a vertical center column, but you will need to find one that allows both!. They are more expensive!. also, if you can, buy a head that is not a ballhead, and preferably geared!.

Take a look at some of the top brands:

and then make your decision from there!. If you are a student, you can take advantage of some serious discounts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Considering the cost of cameras these days and having lost one when a cheap tripod fell down the stairs from the top of Durham cathedral I would recommend that you buy the sturdiest tripod that you can manage!.I have used a Bembo for many years,(well over 20) and despite owning several others it is always my first choice whether in the studio or out in the wilds!.Jessops sold a similar beast at a slightly lower price!.It has been described as trying to wrestle a demented haggis crossed with a bagpipe,but there are no other tripods that can do what the Bembo can as far as getting into awkward positions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use my center post "reversed" (I put the center post in from the bottom so the camera is up-side-down), and work from that point!. I also use a "legged head" that is on one of the support legs!. But if your going to get down-and-dirty with old mother nature !.!.!.!.!.!. make yourself a "bean-bag", yes, a bean-bag!. I always have one in my car with me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MACRO, does,nt sell Tripe pal!. You will have to look in the butchers ( I think)Www@QuestionHome@Com