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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What ( KIND )of colours can we use for painting in t - shirts?

Question: What ( KIND )of colours can we use for painting in t - shirts!?
i remember when i was in high school!.!. in arts lesson our teacher
gave us some special kind of colour !. which we can paint it in t - shirts !.!. we can design and paint in plain white t-shirts!.!.!?

Anyone have An Idea Please help!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The colour doesn't matter!.!.!.it's the TYPE of paint!. If you go to an arts and crafts store and ask for t-shirt paint, they should have at least 50 colours to choose from!. Your teacher probably only had a few in her selection because she was limited by the school's budget! LOL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

spray paint
paint pens
acrylic/craft/fabric paintWww@QuestionHome@Com