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Question: Any realistic priorities in life!?
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In order to live a life in true sense one must look to health first!.Of couse you will have to pay attention to your food habits/liking/dislikes/drinking etc!.What supports your health and how you can avoid what harms you!. Here you will have to give time for exercise/indoor,outdoor play etc!.Second important priority is your education!. It is not only a book/colledge education but to understand grasp, whatever you can within given time!. More it is based on its practical use,more quickly you can get financial return for it!. Third important requirement is your social/family life!. If you can manage this spending minimum of available time,it is better!.Most important is that one should continuously try to understand yourself and try to be busy maximum time in more physical/mental work!.as it suits you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Techincally I read that it is this:
1- religion
2- family (kids)
3- spouse
4- career

I think that you should try to focus on your family and close friends!. Like someone else said I think health is also very important because that has to do with the rest of your life!. I also think that being financially stable isn't just something that is really selfish when working on but it's also good for the reassurance of your parents, family (or suture family, ie kids) and any issues that happen down the road!.
I also think that if you feel like something is important to you and it's a good thing you should make that one of your prioities!. Other people are important, but get your dreams accomplished! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the quest for self-enlightenment, of course!. But most immediately, my goal is to get these women to release me from here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no realistic priorities in life except the basic skills of lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Attaining self-knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try and help people, think about others and not myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com