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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Will a 160 w/s light kit work?

Question: Will a 160 w/s light kit work!?
I need to buy a light kit to do some portrait photography!. Just doing it for family and close friends, not professionally, although I do want the photos to look good!. I'm looking at a JTL SL-160 basic lighting kit!. 160 w/s 120 GN!. Will these lights be strong enough on their own, or do I need a stronger light!? Thanks for everyones help, this forum has been really helpful!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, These lights will be to weak!. Look for something in the 500 watt range or better!. The link below will be a good starter light and is reasonably priced!.
