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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Im taking pictures and its raining outside??

Question: Im taking pictures and its raining outside!?!?
Im supposed to be taking pictures (engagment pictures) for a friend and Im not sure exactly what she wants, but I think outside pictures are the best because of the natural lighting and background, BUT its been raining outside today!. Its stoped now but wet everywhere! anybody have any ideas!? and anyone can answer i mean im not a professional i just take good pictures! And looking for some ideas on where, what in the background!.!.anything helps!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You actually have some ideal conditions here!. If it has been raining I am assuming it is overcast!. That is one of the BEST lighting situations you can hope for on outdoor shots!. The light is even without harsh shadows and contrasts!. The main thing you want to watch out for is to not get the sky into the photo!. It will be all white and really looks bad!. Look for any background where you can keep your subject from having to pose against the sky!.

Get your exposures correct!. Move in very close to your subject and take a reading from the face!. Even better is to use a grey card to set your exposure, or a light meter, but I doubt you have either!. Just let your camera get an exposure reading while in close to your subject!. This way any external background lighting will not throw off your meter!. Set your shutter speed and aperture manually to whatever reading you achieved while in close to your subject!. This way your exposure will remain correct!.

You should also use some fill flash!. This will put catchlights in the eyes and fill in any shadows that might be on the face!. Just back off on your flash output by about one stop or so!. You want the flash to add some light, but it is not your main light!. Ideally you want the photo to look as if no flash was used at all, (other than the catchlights in the eyes)!. Be sure your shutter speed is not exceeding the sync speed of your camera / flash combination!.

Set a wide aperture, (low number) for a shallow depth of field!. This will set a faster shutter speed which may be too fast for your flash, so you may have to adjust the shutter speed / aperture combination!. Depending on your flash / camera set up, you may be able to engage high speed sync if needed!.

Simple backgrounds are best!. Tree leaves or against a wood house or barn etc!.

Maybe that will get you started!.


Wet everywhere is good!. You may have noticed that many advertising shots are done using wet ground, streets and paved areas!. The slight reflections add some "life" to the images!.

Look at some fashion magazines for ideas when it comes to backgrounds !.!.!. out of focus back grounds are best, since they do not distract from the subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com