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Question: Photographers, do you photoshop your pictures!?
Yes, no, or sometimes!?

show me some examples of befores and afters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I strive to get everything as right as I can in the camera, but I usually always do some work in PS, mainly relatively small adjustments to exposure, contrast and such!. I look at it this way!. Photoshop is the 21st century equivalent of the chemical darkroom, and plenty of the best photographers of all time did LOTS of darkroom manipulation of their negatives to get the look they wanted, !.!.!. either for aesthetic reasons or simply because they did not capture the original shot correctly in camera!.!.!. no one is perfect!. So I see no problem at all with using PS to make the same type of basic adjustments that have always been done by a really skilled person in the conventional darkroom!.

It is when PS is way overdone and used to create something that is no longer even a photograph, but just a computer generated graphic!.!.!. that is when I can have a real disdain for it!. Or I should say, even the most extreme PS work can be really fantastic!.!.!.!. IF!.!.!. it is represented as just what it is!.!.!. a computer creation that has little to nothing to do with photographic skill!.


Yes!. I use PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro X and numerous utility programs to both correct the occasional error and to enhance the photo, both digital and even on scanned negatives

If you think about it, asking someone who shoots digital whether or not they use digital tools for photography would be like asking a film photographer would they work in darkroom!.

That being said, whether you are shooting digital or film, it pays in time and satisfaction to be as "correct" as possible right out of the camera!. Sure you can Photoshop, push, pull or dodge and burn all night on the computer or in the darkroom, but why put yourself through that if its not necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is to Digital what a dark room is to film!

Rarely does an image go from film to print without some post processing!.!.!. whether that is WalMarts automated developing, you in a dark room, or now in the digital age your computer!.

The biggest problem that I see with people's digital photos is how blah they are!. This is due to the large exposure range of a digital sensor vs film!.

Literally in seconds you can make your photos pop by making the blacks look black and the whites look white!.

Here are some examples of what I mean!.

Then if you want to do some serious photoshopping, you can airbrush blemishes on portraits, change the lighting, and fix a faulty white balance!.

What is more natural about a digital sensor and image procressor in a camera vs the computer!?

I doubt anyone who says they don't photoshop for purity shoot entirely in manual mode, hand meter the scene, and capture only RAW images!

So the answer is yes!.!.!. anyone who doesn't is just cheating themselvesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I only photoshop them if I'm going for any specific kind of look that I can't get out of the original picture!. I agree with the previous answer, naturalness is what matters to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, as a matter of fact my third photo course was all about how to use the computer to clean up your images

i have a deviantart account with some photos here

Sometimes!.!.!. only to artistically enhance or correct small mistakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No mostly but rarely I may do!.Naturalness is everthing to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um yes hold on ill emai;l it too uWww@QuestionHome@Com