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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are these lights crap?

Question: Are these lights crap!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There may be an application for these lights if you are shooting small products to sell on the Internet using a light-tent!.

40 WS (watt-seconds) is a tiny light output!.

A typical rating on even a minimalist studio set up is at least 125 WS

Here is a link to flash units so you can compare the "cowboy" lights to ones used in studios!.


As you can see, $75 is not a realistic price for studio flash units that can be taken seriouslyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Holy smokes! 40 watts and a guide number of 20!. That is laughable!. Any low end on camera hot shoe mounted flash has better output than that!.

SAVE YOUR MONEY!. These lights are not just crap, !.!.!. but TOTAL CRAP!.


They look fine for the average home photographer that wants a little more!. But probably not up to snuff for a pro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well in my opinion they are not crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GooD tankuWww@QuestionHome@Com
