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Question: Graphic Drawing Tablets!?
is a "HANVON Graphic Drawing Tablet 6x5 inch" a good choice when buying graphic drawing tablets!?!?!? its about $95 and has a cordless and battery free pen with 1024 levels of pressure!. also what does the 1024 levels of pressure actually mean!?!? one more question, would this be a good choice for someone who doesn't do graphic design but loves to draw and edit his work on the computer!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know about that particular brand, but the levels of pressure sensitivity is fine!. One way of looking at is is that the more levels the better, but there is no way you, or any one else will be able to see the difference between level 524 and 525!. Or, for that matter, 500 and 600!.

It means, that, depending on the software and tool you are using, a light pressure is a very fine, very light line, and a hard pressure is a thicker, darker line, just like a real pencil, pen, or brush!.

Practice with that tablet as much as you can!. With a little bit of time, it will feel as natural in you hand as traditional drawing tools!.

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com