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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good digital camera in the under $300 range?

Question: What is a good digital camera in the under $300 range!?
I want to really get into digital photography but I have samsung digital and it sucks BUTTWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What type of photography are you wanting to get into!? Do you want another digital point and shoot, or an SLR or DSLR!?

If you really want to get into photography, an SLR or DSLR would be the better of the choices!. These can be expensive, though!. The cheapest DSLR on the market is the Canon Digital XT at $20 shy of $400; without a lens!. A film SLR can be picked up for $300 with a lens, so for now, this would probably be the best route for you!.

If all you want is another point and shoot, the Canon S5 IS, Nikon S550, S600, or the P50!.

Look for cameras with Manual mode!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love mine, it's a Sanyo VPC-E760!. It cost about $140!.00 at Wal Mart!. It has auto focus or not, portrait function, night portrait function, Landscape option, sport option, Macro, and even takes short videos!. It has auto flash, flash always on or no flash!. It has an audio function too but I'm not sure what that does!. It automatically records audio when in video mode!. It has an anti-shake option and 3x zoom!. It also has resolution, color, saturation, contrast and white balance manual adjustment capability (though I don't mess with the settings too much)!. It will take three pictures real fast if you're doing the action shot thing (m-burst)!. It's got a lot of other options too, different menu's for each focus setting!. Great little camera!Www@QuestionHome@Com