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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where am i from? (pic included)..just 4 fun?

Question: Where am i from!? (pic included)!.!.just 4 fun!?
where do you think that i could be from!.!.!.

Hint: i am mixed with two ethnicity's!.

im just really curious on what your opinion is!.!.!.

the closest gets the best answerrr =D


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmmm!. You look European!. I would go with Turkey!. Maybe Hispanic!. But newho you're very pretty and hot whatever you are ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mixed ethnicity's are almost impossible for most people!. The common answers are white, black, Spanish!.!.!.!.and then it kind of peters out!. Any kind of Asian , Indian, or Middle-Eastern are usually distant options only for those with a stronger vocabulary, or geographical prowess!.

But the appearance is always confusing!.
You look like a James Bond spy!. You could basically say whatever you want regarding your heritage, and you will be believed!. As long as you didn't say both parents were black!.
Eye shape could hint at some Asian, Hawaiian or even Middle-Eastern!.
Mouth could be Latino!. Nose cancels out African!.
You could also pass for a full Greek or Italian!.
Or Russian!.
Go to Hollywood and get a job!. You'll do well, as long as you can pull off a million different accents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Spain! Spain! Or are you from Maine!? SPAIN! SPAIN!Www@QuestionHome@Com



You look a little hispanic and White! if i was to guessWww@QuestionHome@Com