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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is your idea of a stereotypical teenager?

Question: What is your idea of a stereotypical teenager!?
Im doing an art project on stereotypical teenagers!. so give me some ideas of what i should do and include!. theres no limits on the project!. id like it to be 3D so list any ideas from like a statue or sculpture to a collage and give ideas for materials tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would definately include like a crumpled love note or homework or a broken pencil to represent the stress that a lot of teenagers encounter!.!.!. possibly an old damaged piece of music that has been burned on the edge maybe to represent scars and passion for music!.!.!. maybe something girly and pink and something boyish like a hotwheels car!.!.!. just some ideas!.!.!. i would go crazy with this art project!.!.!. have fun with it ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

There's really no such thing as a stereotypical teen!. I do alot of character design and teens are certainly the most diverse type of person!. Physically they vary the most, short, tall, thin, fat, athletic, Some teens legs grow faster then their bodies, girls can be very tall but without developing breasts or hips yet,
Style wise they're also more diverse, punks, emos, goths, jocks, preps, tom-boys, skeets, rockers!.
I think a collage is a good idea, just because of the huge variety of types!. If you want a 3D piece you could make a cone or spiral out of bristol board, or get some foam-board from your local art store and cut slots in the pieces so they fit together and build up some kind of structure!.
Find as many different images as you can find, from all the different types of teens you can think of!. You could call the piece "Unique" because no two teens are alike!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A typical teen: I would do a sorty of bag or bulliten board!. no a desk, on dat desk a half empty starbucks cup, homework,a sprots gear or scedule, cell phone, magazines, notbooks full of diary entries, i love vblank ans stickers all over it, etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

rebellious, hate school, loud, into pop/rock music, tries to look cool most of the timeWww@QuestionHome@Com