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Question: How to make Black and White photos With 1 items colored!?
I have Adobe Photoshop 5!.0 and would like to know how to do this (if I can do this on 5!.0) I want to learn how to do the pictures where everything is in black and white except one item!. For example sometimes you see pictures pictures of little kids holding a rose!. Everything is in black and white except for a the red rose!. Can I do that in Adobe 5!.0!?
If I can do it, HOW do I do it!? I'm still trying to figure adobe out so the more details you can give me the better!. Thank you in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As is true of many procedures in Photoshop, there are several ways of doing selective color!. This is a quick and easy method!.

First open your photo in PS of course!.

Then go to Layer - Duplicate Layer

Click OK

Then go to Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation

Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to make the photo black and white!.

Click OK

Then get the ERASER tool from the tool box on the left side of the screen!. It is usually the next tool under the clone stamp tool!. Just hover your mouse over the tool, and it will say Eraser!.

When you have selected the Eraser, go up to the Brush options box at the top of the screen, and click on the downfacing arrow!. Set the Hardness of the brush to 100% so you will have accurate control of selection!. You may also need to raise or lower the brush size to suit!.

Erase away any black and white from where you want the color to be revealed!.

When done go to
Layer - Flatten Image

Then just do a Save As to wherever you want to save the photo!.

hope this helps you


use the magic wand tool or the tool like it tht lets u to draw around wt u want and using a layer select the area around wt u want to be coloured and then!.!.!.
and a wee window appears and move the saturation arrow to the left to make the bit u hav selected black/white

or u could make the whole thing b&w and then select wt u want to b coloure dand do the same except move the arrow right to get colourWww@QuestionHome@Com