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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can i have 120mm film developed?

Question: Where can i have 120mm film developed!?
i'm looking to spend as little as possible!. i called a few places, but all seem to charge $7 for developing and $6 for a contact sheet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you like color and want to keep things economical with 120 film, use transparency film!. I generally spend $5-8 for E-6 developing, and have the advantage of being able to view directly without needing prints!.

I almost never shoot 120 print film, because it's just too darn expensive!.

If you must, though, drop it in the send-off box at Walmart!. Two weeks later, you'll get back a dozen tiny, poor quality prints and relatively clean, scratch free negatives for about $3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the standard rate (you have to keep in mind that they're not going to do it for free!.)

Unfortunately many holga's users were not aware of this fact!. This is like buying a cheap inkjet printer--and pay through the nose for the ink cartridges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As others said, that is not at all an unreasonable price!. 120 film and "spend as little as possible" is an oxymoron!. If you are going to use this medium, you WILL have to be spending some money!.


Check with Pro Photo in Lakeland, Florida!. I have found them to have high quality and low pricing!. You will need to call them (toll-free) as all of their online info is geared towards digital!.


4" film!?!? LOL

The prices you quote are reasonable for 120 film!. It's an expensive way to do photography!.


Check with http://www!.rockymountainfilm!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

That seems about right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com