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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How is pop art made computerized or drawn or other?

Question: How is pop art made computerized or drawn or other!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no reason real pop art could be computer made but there is no reason it should be either!. The pop artists -- Charles Atlas, Roy Litchenstein and Andy Warhol to name the most prominent, used techniques and technologies to alienate their work from the human gestures that were being fetishized in the then-dominant Abstract Expressionist movement: Atlas used collages, Litchenstein stencils and Warhol made heavy use of silk screening in his portraits!. The problem if you are talking about that movement is that Computer art was happening elsewhere!. The closest thing that comes to mind is that while Litchenstein was copying American comic book panels comic book artist Philippe Druillet was putting computer generated designs into his Lone Sloane comic book series in France!. Obviously if you mean the real thing from the sixties the answer is no, but there is really nothing wrong with doing "Pop" art with a computer, obviously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com