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Position:Home>Visual Arts> TIGER: How to draw the face ?

Question: TIGER: How to draw the face !?
ok well ive drawn a tiger coz i was bored and its pretty cool actually lol but im stuck on how to draw the tigers face
ok well ive got the face but how do you draw the stripes on its face !? where do the stripes go !? thank you if you help meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
look at many picture till you find the compostion you like then try sketching it!.!. it

here look at some of theones i did!.!. copy some and you see that you may end up likeing tigers i did!.!.


email me back a picture of you efforts!.!.!.

sketch in black chalk 1st its a good idea!.!.

any help let me know!.!.


find a picture on the internet and go by that!. I suspect as in any striped animal each individual has its own unique pattern!.Www@QuestionHome@Com