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Question: Vanishing points too far apart!?
how do you draw things correctly in perspective if it's small( Vanishing points too far apart, can't reach in paper), what do the artists will do in real life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most of the time your vanishing points will not be on the page, it's simply unrealistic in 2 point!. one might be but both will not!.
If your still a beginner and having trouble keeping your points in check you could always lay out some painters tape on your table for your horizon line and put an X where you want your VP!. You could even tape a piece of string where you want your VP and use that as a line guide!. That way even if the VP is 5 feet away you will have a strait line going right to it!.
As time goes on you will develop more of a natural eye for it!. you'll be able to stand back from your work and just know that the line is too steep or shallow!.
The important thing when beginning is taking your time and really thinking about what your doing!. Speed will come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I would draw it at a comfortable size, and then enlarge on a photocopier!. Or, if you need to show workings to a tutor in class, then have your paper on the middle of a big table or on the floor, surrounded by large pieces of newspaper with the vanishing point on that can be discarded afterwards (promise - I have done this)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

draw item with 3d program to view, and change angle of viewpoint, the vanishing point is suppose to assist in three dimensional imaging upon a plain, not for expanding beyond your peripheral vision, scale item to fit,

AutoCAD Civil 3D ~trial,

Sketchup 3d warehouse,


also could draw blueprint for all sides,
