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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do u think of my picture?

Question: What do u think of my picture!?

by the way im only 16 and i cant really offord a good camera for photgraphy and also i didnt have anywhere to go except for my house!.!.so yea this is a pic of one of my plants in my house!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OK so it is not the most exciting subject matter, but you have not helped yourself by just taking the shot straight from the camera to the web!

The composition is really not bad, but you need to think about the flash effects!. (The plant doesn't move!.!.!. go with tripod and long exposure - no flash)

I think the image is relatively flat!. No real blacks or whites!.

This is common with digital cameras because of the wide exposure range of the sensors compared to film!.

A simple adjustment in Photoshop will make the blacks black and the whites white!.

To fix: Use Image Adjustment>Levels
Move the Black triangle (the black point to the right)
Move the White triangle (the white point to the left)
Very simple and you should see the image pop a little bit more!.

P!.S!. the same technique works in PS Elements as well

IMPORTANT NOTE: Photoshop is to the Digital Camera what the Dark Room is to film!. Seldom does an image go straight from neg to print!.!.!. without some tweaking!. It is not cheating, it is processing!.

Here are a few quick edits I made to show you what I mean!.

It looks like a plant!. What do you mean, what do I think!? I think it's a plant!. Did you want me to say you're a natural, or something cheezy like that!? Okay, you're a natural!.!.!.the next Anne Geddes!.!.!.!.

Owning a camera does not make you a natural, or a prodigy in photography!. You're old enough to know that!. What exactly are you wanting to know besides that I can see that you took a picture of a house plant!?

Rephrase your question, and I'll rephrase my answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty ordinary photo, but if you like it, then that's all that matters!.!.!. A bit of advice though, I'd get a flash, or even a camera that enables using an external flash that's capable of bouncing the flash!. It'd avoid the shadows, and the overly brightened plant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a great close up photo!.!.!.your focus was right on!. I like the background color, shows the lighting and shadows off from the plant!. No worries about the kind of camera you are using!.!.!.it is what you are able to capture and knowing your cameras ablitities!. Good work!.!.!.keep moving forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a bit overexposed and it has too little contrast for my taste: It sort of "washes out" the graphic lines you would like to emphasize!. Good idea, though, and nice composition!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It great photo which you took!.Listen if think have taken a good picture enter into National Geography Photo contest which they have every mouth you might win!.

Keep up the great work,Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you get caught with that plant you will be in troubleWww@QuestionHome@Com