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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I blend colors when painting a picture to make it look natural?

Question: How do I blend colors when painting a picture to make it look natural!?
Im painting with acrylics, and the sky goes from light blue to dark blue!. The last time I did something like that, you could tell where I used different shades and it didn't look that great!. What can I do, any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the sky I start at the top and go dark to light at the horizon and then light to dark from the horizon to the foreground!. I learned the simple rule of have some more fun!. I sometimes wet the canvas and then apply the paint!.

Check this man out for some ideas and tips!.


Here is a painting I did in acrylics>>


Keep Arting! Jeff (weseye) WesleyWww@QuestionHome@Com